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This page lists all music related to Pani Poni Dash. All of the music are from torrents(1)(2), with the exception of the Original Soundtrack, "Gakuen Festival" uploaded on YouTube. The music files here open up to small pop-up windows. Fright not, they're linked from Google Drive.

Most CD booklet and cover scans were provided by uploaders on Minitokyo and, as well as Dodonnchanchann's blog, where's a lot of Album Artwork from anime music CDs and other media.

The music producer of PPD, Sumiko Shindou gave her thoughts and comments related to the songs in an interview for Pani Poni Dash guidebook. Shindou goes into detail what happened in the backgrounds of creating each vocal song. These parts of the interview can be found from respective song pages.

Opening 1 - Kiiroi Bakansu

Ending 1 - Girlppi

Opening 2 - Roulette Roulette

Ending 2 - Moonlight Love

Opening 3 - Shoujo Q

Album of Vocal Insert Songs

Original Soundtrack

(video) (playlist)

Last update on 23.6.2024