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It is a Treasure If It Is Fulfilling


Idiom Explanation

No matter what it is, if it can be "fulfilling for use" (用に叶う), or in other words, useful, then it’s as valuable as a treasure.

Hekiru Hikawa Check
It’s a massive chaos with camping, kappa and a missile. This was the point when “eyeball” and “hau hau” became a staple joke for the series. The Giant Salamander… gives the first impression of an unpleasant character (laughs).
Advanced Learning
1. Group of Itou-sans

Beyond Nanjou’s outstanding posture, around the edge of the trail, where no other person would notice, there’s a group of Itou-sans. Scary.

2. Akane Serizawa – The True Identity

Just before Old Geezer’s line “Do not talk to people you can’t see“, which could count as a catchphrase, for a moment, a grim reaper appears. If you're familiar with the original work, you'll recognize it’s Serizawa.

TL note: Original work means the manga. You probably already know Akane is referencing a man from an unlucky day.

3. The Chance of Rain is...

Ichijou suddenly begins praying for rain dressed as a shrine maiden. Alongside this, telop providing weather news appear on the screen, and the chance of rain increases rapidly! How fretful, Ichijou. Furthermore, for the details about the content of the "Momotsuki City Breaking News" flowing in the telop, please refer to the columns on each page of this book*.

*TL note: The guidebook in question.

4. Blue Comet?

Even though it looks similar to Behoimi’s other transition scenes, this is a special edition. It has the same action scene as the main character's unit from the anime "Blue Comet SPT Lay*ner". My name is Behoimi, is the Earth being targeted?

5. Again, Disappearing Kurumi

Kurumi is yet again disappearing, which is becoming a standard gag. Losing to Giant Salamander in terms of strong characteristics, does humankind really have no taste?

6. Today’s Behoimi Appearance Scene

This time in Behoimi’s Appearance Scene, it’s like the popular hero show that has continued to this very day. Broadcasted originally in the 60s, this is the first scene where Giant of Light transforms. Is Behoimi really a high school student?

7. To the Sky, Ichijou

Ichijou hushes Miyako, who saw a missile, by saying “It’s a secret”. And in a blink of an eye, Ichijou launches into distant sky! This is a commemorative moment, for Ichijou transcending human realm. After this, even more inhuman behavior comes up.

8. Eyecatch

This time Becky has a yellow track suit with black lines and wields a katana. You probably can see that this is reminiscent to Director Tarantino’s film "Kill B*ll", but if you trace it back further, Bruce Lee wore this same outfit in the film "Game ** Death".

9. Surprised in Shi**ru Mizuki -style

When the monster in the forest is revealed to be Ichijou, Miyako and her group are relieved. ...or as it should’ve been, but for some reason they are surprised in the tone of ***geru Mizuki. Is it because of Ichijou’s character? In addition, perhaps because the hairstyle is similar, Miyako makes this same face in episode 10 too.

10. Spinning Ichijou

Miyako can't get the memory of Ichijo flying to the sky out of her head. Around her forehead starts Ichijou go round and round. With legs being jet engines, she looks like a child of science that has seven special powers.

11. Why There’s Authentic Chinese Food at a Camp

As you can see, Rei is trying to make an amazing number of dishes all by herself. She has a part-time job at a Chinese restaurant, which makes her skilled in Chinese cuisine. For more details, read “MaroMayu” by Hekiru Hikawa (published by MediaWorks).

TL note: This scene had Rei talking over real life pictures of Chinese food in the DVD release. Screenshot from the TV release, subtitled by Oyasumi.

12. Farewell, Giant Salamander

Giant Salamander speaks by sprouting letters from its mouth, which seems to be inspired by the image of its lines in the manga. It's a pity such an interesting character was eaten up, but it appears again later.

TL note: This scene was replaced with chibi characters in the DVD release. Screenshot from the TV release, subtitled by Oyasumi.

13. Nanjou’s face

A certain veteran manga artist who specializes in grand stories (about things such as The Great Cosmos and a Large Four-And-a-Half-Tatami Mat Room) once drew a woman with a face like this. You know, she’s from the manga that has a locomotive train with three 9s.

TL note: This reference was completely removed in the DVD release and replaced with a reference to a mahjong manga. Screenshot from the TV release, subtitled by Oyasumi, which got the reference wrong.

14. Standing on a Desk is cool!

This time’s ending has kappa and common students. The male students are more active here than in the main story, with practicing martial arts forms and lying face down on desks, but one doing the same pose as John Travolta in “Sa***day Night Fever” is a bit too cool.

15. Goodbye, Humankind

In the forest at dead of night, the group of four, Miyako, Serizawa, Watanuki and Miyata are calling out to the cosmos. But for some reason there are webs between their fingers! Could this be the result of the encounter with the kappa? However, setting aside the mysterious Ichijou and Council Intelligence Club’s Watanuki, I felt a bit sorry for Miyako, who is pretty normal and has common sense, and for Miyata, who was just dragged into this situation, at this time around.

16. Nose for Walking, Nose for Eating

In the next episode preview, Rei tells about animals that have evolved from noses, called as “Rhinogradentia”. It was a totally real creature and a type of mammal that was discovered on the Hy-yi-yi Islands in 1941. It was an interesting creature that lived in a place with an interesting name, but apparently it became extinct due to environmental destruction. How does Rei know so much about this?

Ichijou's Story Guide

I’m the Class Rep, Ichijou. Today was the camp held by our school, and all the first-year classes had arrived at the mountains. Everyone was erecting tents, swimming in the river, cooking alfresco, and doing as they pleased, which seemed to be how they frolic at the mountains. But if you've come all the way to the mountains, you have to strike it rich by excavating an oil field and a gold mine, or repel Viet**ng’s massive offensive, before you can call yourself a true adventurer. I will do my best too. Ah, please keep quiet about the missiles, it’s a secret between me, you and the Stasi.

Voices from our Staff

Motoi Sakai

32 yo – Visual effects

In the fifth episode, I had to model the jerseys for the mob characters, but it was troublesome due to the sheer amount of them. Mob characters appeared in the ending too. Oonuma-san told me, "Do them however you like," so I let my imagination go wild.

Yuuji Kanno

32 yo – Production

The meeting was difficult and it took a long time to make a decision until the end, where they said, "It’s okay not to do it exactly as we planned here," and we started production of this surprising work. It's amazing how the work ended up being so funny (bitter smile).

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Last update on 10.9.2024